Minggu, 12 Februari 2012


In order to realize good governance then the local government as an institution which is carry out the function of the Public Service, should always make efforts to increase the operational capacity of the service. Therefore it is necessary to do the ​​research  on the level of satisfaction of a large company that is part of the business community. The respondent determined using two-stage sampling method, namely: 1). Determine the area of ​​research is purposive; 2) Sampel determined with random sampling techniques, a number of 26 large companies (10.35 percent of the population)  The results of this ​​research  showed 58% of large companies engaged in manufacturing, with a workforce of more than 100 people, and most located in regency/ City (73%).
The company which administers the IMB only 35%. And 78% of them felt satisfied. The company  which administers business licenses are 69% and 87%  of them was satisfied. The company which administers environmental permits by 42%. Most of the company which administers the permit(82%)  are satisfied. Large companies in Gresik regency majority (96%) pay regional tax or retribution , and 80% of them expressed satisfaction over government services . 50% of the company states the quality of  the highway at business location was good .and 46% others expressed poorly.  Companies that claim about the quality of the drainage at business location 45% was good. and that states poorly  are 41%. Most companies (58%), argues that the quality of general cleanliness in business location clean. Local Water Company  (PDAM ) service used by 42% of large companies, and the same percentage of another  large companies are not used Most companies which are used (60%) expressed less satisfied with the service provided PDAM.Because the water supply and quality is inadequate The most large companies in research area (77%) did not use the service disposal of waste. Of the few companies  that use (50%) of them stated the existing waste disposal service at business location was good. 58% of large companies  stated either on traffic regulation at the bisinis location. Even if there is (27%) companies that claim is not good. Most companies (69%) do not utilize the services of garbage collection. 46% of  large companies stated both on the quality of preventive and protective fire services..

Key word: The level of satisfaction, Public service,large company.

Latar Belakang
Dalam rangka mewujudkan tata pemerintahan yang baik ( good govermence), maka pemerintah daerah sebagai suatu institusi yang antara lain melaksanakan fungi Pelayanan Publik, perlu senantiasa melakukan upaya peningkatan kapasitas operasional pelayanannya,yang meliputi :
  • Penyediaan jasa publik yang sesuai dengan pelayanan minimal.
  • Pemeliharaan fasilitas umum yang efisien.
  • Promosi pembangunan ekonomi yang berkeadilan dan
  • Managemen penanggulangan kemiskinan.

Seperangkat indikator kinerja pemerintah daerah yang meliputi kinerja internal  dan kinerja eksternal telah dirumuskan, dan diukur melalui pendekatan  dua aspek  yaitu;
  • Sistem dan praktek managerial internal Pemda .
  • Kineja eksternal yang pengukurannya dilihat dari persepsi  masyarakat pengguna fungsi layanan pemerintah daerah   tersebut.

Untuk merealisir upaya tersebut maka dilakukan kajian terhadap kepuasan pengguna layanan publik tersebut yang salah satunya ádalah pengguna pelayanan dasar dari sektor bisnis khususnya perusahaan besar,sehingga nantinya dapat ditentukan strategi yang efektif untuk peningkatan kapasitas atau “Capasity Building Action Plan” (CBAP) dan menyediakan sumber daya yang memadai

Adapun permasalahan yang menjadi fokus penelitian  adalah:
Bagaimanakah tingkat kepuasan perusahaan besar terhadap pelayanan publik pemerintah daerah Kabupaten  Gresik

Tujuan Penelitian
Tujuan penelitian untuk:mengidentifikasi tingkat kepuasan perusahaan besar  terhadap kinerja pelayanan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Gresik.

Manfaat Penelitian 
Bagi Perusahaan Besar.
Dapat menjadi sarana untuk mengetahui kinerja pelayanan publik yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Gresik.

Bagi Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Gresik.
Hasil penelitin ini dapat dijadikan referensi untuk menetapkan strategi yang efektif tentang pelayanan publik dalam rangka mewujudkan tata pemerintahan yang baik (good govermence), khususnya bagi masyarakat bisnis.

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